Combination of True Friendship, Elegant Design and Seeing Close Friends in Real Life

Photograph of OneFriends Founder and CEO Albert JIng

Countries with OneFriends Users Shown in Blue, 2023 Data

Countries with OneFriends Users Shown in Blue, 2023 Data

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, August 5, 2023/ — “It was beautiful to attain enjoyment by friendship, yet more beautiful to prefer true friendship before simple enjoyment.” Those are the poetic words written on the OneFriends website and giving a glimpse into what OneFriends stands for. Whether one likes reading beautiful literature of the highest quality, or seeing high-end but minimalist design brought to an app they’re using, or feeling the meaningful sentiments of real friendships, OneFriends delivers on many fronts.

With users now in over 100 countries across all continents, and having trended as high as 3rd on the App Store Charts (Lifestyle) in some regions in 2022-2023; OneFriends’ appeal is certainly not limited by which part of the world you’re in, what language you speak or what religion you hold. This was the result of CEO and Founder Albert Jing’s passion to build a company that not only is successful from a business standpoint but that makes people’s lives better in an important area. That area is how we stay connected with our close friends over the long-term and have high quality friendships.

Albert Jing says, “From an operations perspective, the goal of OneFriends is for a relatively small sized team of not more than 20 people altogether to achieve things and bring benefit to users and create results that are exponential. I call it amplification and a lot of elements must be conducted to come together at the right time, in the right way, combining deep planning and adaptability for it to work. Some of the key successes we’ve had already are a reflection of that principle.”

OneFriends achieves its purpose through its iOS app where users add only a small number of true friends and real friends. The idea is that for these close friends that people honestly want to be connected with long-term, they make a commitment to see each other regularly in real-life activities and events. The app makes organizing such get-togethers natural and frictionless – therefore ensuring the regular interactions taking place between friends have a higher level of depth and meaning compared to just virtual contact. Over time, this very likely improves the quality of friendship.

It’s been said that OneFriends even “acts as a reliable bridge between friends” by its special feature of reminding friends when it’s time to see each other per an agreed timeframe. That can be invaluable as sometimes the missing link between two friends, despite best of intentions to be good friends, are careless lapses in communication.

Speaking passionately about the ethos of OneFriends, Albert shares, “In terms of the spirit of OneFriends so to speak, I genuinely believe that what OneFriends represents is a higher form of friendship. And that conducting ourselves as a true friend or real friend, benefits not only us but others we are connected with, and that goodwill is once again reflected back to us. OneFriends, although being an important platform and technology can’t actually make friendships better in itself unfortunately, the desire must come from within and then OneFriends gives effect to that intention. If you combine those qualities of being a true friend, such as sincerity, trustworthiness, loyalty with OneFriends’ features and symbolism and meaning, that’s when we have true excellence in friendship.”

But perhaps just as important as what the OneFriends app contains in terms of features is what it leaves out and what Albert wants the company to stay well away from. The app aims to collect minimal amounts of user data, doesn’t track user activity across other apps or sites at all, and contains no advertisements. OneFriends definitely feels very private and refined, which is again aligned with the purity and high-mindedness of the true friendships concept.

It’s been a complete pleasure writing about OneFriends, reflecting on the nature of true friendships, and seeing that there are leaders looking to make the world better through building something different. And if there was to be only one company which was to carry the symbolic flag and bear the spirited flame for something as beautiful and timeless as the idea of true friendship, we hope it will be OneFriends – OneFriends created by Albert Jing.

This OneFriends News also Published in AP Associated Press News August 2023. All OneFriends Photos used under License. OneFriends is a Registered Trademark of OneFriends App International Pty Limited.

APP Technology Lifestyle Writer – 2023 – Global
OneFriends App International Pty Limited
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Article originally published on as Combination of True Friendship, Elegant Design and Seeing Close Friends in Real Life