CloudDefense.AI and Beround recently hosted a live webinar titled “Cyberattacks in Hospitality: Defense, Awareness, and Timely Response!”

In the face of escalating cyber threats, proactive readiness is key. Hacker’s View provides a unique perspective to identify vulnerabilities and fortify defenses without installation.”

— Anshu Bansal, CEO of CloudDefense.AI

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, December 1, 2023 / — CloudDefense.AI, a leading cybersecurity solutions provider, and Beround, a specialized software consultancy company, recently hosted a live webinar titled “Cyberattacks in Hospitality: Defense, Awareness, and Timely Response!” The webinar featured insights from a panel of experts, including:

Anshu Bansal: CEO, CloudDefense.AI

Rohan Marfatia: CEO, Beround

Hieu Ngo: Ex-convicted Hacker and Chief Ethical Hacking Officer of CloudDefense.AI

The webinar highlighted the growing threat of cyberattacks targeting the hospitality industry. Hieu Ngo, ex-Hacker and CEHO of CloudDefense.AI, pointed to the projected increase in cybersecurity spending from $347 billion in 2023 to $458.9 billion by 2025, indicating a clear escalation in cyber threats.

The panel also discussed the specific vulnerabilities of the hospitality sector. Rohan Marfatia, CEO of Beround, stressed the importance of skilled professionals, training, and security audits, stating that relying solely on tools is inadequate for protection.

The discussion also included real-world examples of successful cyberattacks against hospitality companies. Hieu Ngo explored hacker attack vectors, highlighting the industry’s susceptibility to reconnaissance and exploitation. Notable incidents like the MGM Resorts ransomware attack and the Caesars Entertainment data compromise further emphasized the need for heightened vigilance.

Anshu Bansal, CEO of CloudDefense.AI, concluded the webinar by showcasing Hacker’s View, a user-friendly tool that provides a 360° system view to identify hidden vulnerabilities without installation.

CloudDefense.AI encourages hospitality businesses to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity. The company is offering a free vulnerability assessment to help identify potential weaknesses and implement effective security measures.

For those who missed the live webinar, a recording is available online. You can watch it here.

About CloudDefense.AI

CloudDefense.AI, headquartered in Palo Alto, is a complete Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) that secures the entire cloud infrastructure and applications. Considering the evolving threat landscape, they blend expertise and technology seamlessly, positioning themselves as the go-to solution for remediating security risks from code to cloud.

Their integrated CNAPP suite comprises various security solutions, including CSPM, CIEM, Threat Detection, CWPP, SAST, DAST, SCA, KSPM, Hacker’s View, Container Security, and API Security. Their attack path and graph-based technology empower businesses to automatically detect, prioritize, and remediate various security issues, from system vulnerabilities to misconfigurations.

Going above and beyond, their innovative solution actively tackles zero-day threats and effectively reduces vulnerability noise by forging a connection between applications and the cloud. This unique approach delivers up to five times more value than other security tools, establishing them as comprehensive and proactive digital defense pioneers.

If you want to learn more about CloudDefense.AI and its suite of services, please book a free demo or contact here [email protected]

Emily Thompson
[email protected]
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Article originally published on as Defense, Awareness, and Timely Response!”