Improv Expert Candy Campbell Shows How To Create A Magnetic Workplace Culture

Dr. Candy Campbell

Business leaders need to create an environment where an individual would want to develop, as a person.

WASHINGTON, DC, USA, May 2, 2023/ — Award-winning actor, author, filmmaker, and nurse consultant, Dr. Candy Campbell, recently released her second book in the four-part series, Improv to Improve Your Leadership Team.

“Business leaders need to create an environment where an individual would want to develop, as a person. That’s the only way to increase engagement and retention in today’s workforce and find future leaders. People want to feel comfortable at work. They want to feel appreciated, and they want to be able to be heard when they have a suggestion. Often, especially in younger employees, the individual may not even realize they have potential leadership qualities. Magnetic bosses know how to recognize and nurture those traits. Then, what you get is a magnetic workplace culture, where everybody wants to work and nobody wants to leave,” said Campbell.

“If you want to create a magnetic culture, don’t allow bosses to hide behind closed doors all the time; they need to be visible. They need to get to know the people they work with, and managers need to go out of their way to find people doing things well. An atmosphere like that invokes an inclusive culture that invites innovation. It’s the magnetic attraction that keeps profits up by the ability of the teams to find solutions and quickly adapt to change. And THAT starts the buzz that makes employees want to be a part of the action,” she said.

” If you can’t come up with a new twist on an old problem, you’ll be trying to solve the problem the same way and expecting different results. We know what that means; you’ll be stuck with the problem forever. The experiential nature of the applied improvisational method from the arts is a solution with research to back it up,” she said.

“There are 12 principles of applied improv I’ve outlined that point to basic elements in the experiential learning environment. The first two are key for all business leaders and especially entrepreneurs, since the whole point of being inclusive is about relationships:

• Accept all offers (i.e., have an open mind about suggestions and reply “Yes, and…” before you say “No, but…”)

• Risk being imperfect.

Campbell completed her doctoral work with an interprofessional group of healthcare clinicians at Stanford’s Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital by facilitating an applied improv workshop with longitudinal test-of-change results over a decade ago.

“But this method is certainly not just for healthcare,” says Campbell. “My first applied improv groups were Silicon Valley start-ups. As Shakespeare said, ‘All the world’s a stage!’ Since no one wakes up with a script of how the day will go, life is improv, and we should flex accordingly.”

The pandemic influenced the decision to continue the work on improvisation.

“I originally thought of a four-part series on improv because the applications are so vast. For instance, as a speech coach, I use the method 1:1 with executive coaching clients to get them out of their linear thinking habit and help them see the possibilities of how to relate when they know they must address their group onstage. That was going to be the focus of the next book. However, while we were all locked down, there was so much grief over employee disengagement and dissatisfaction with the work environment that I knew I had to add to the conversation to help leaders. The culture change results I’ve seen have been so remarkable.”

About Candy Campbell

Candace (Candy) Campbell is an international speaker, award-winning actor, author, filmmaker, and nurse consultant.

In 1993, she co-founded a stand-up and improv comedy company, The Barely Insane Players, with three friends in the San Francisco area and started teaching applied improv to businesses in 1995.

Dr. Campbell’s books, Improv to Improve Healthcare and Improv to Improve Your Leadership Team, are direct results of her doctoral work and experience as an applied improv facilitator.

Acting credits include work on stage, screen, and radio. She’s recently returned from an off-Broadway engagement with her third solo show, An Evening With Florence Nightingale), based on Nightingale’s 200 books, articles, and thousands of letters extant. Campbell’s book, Channeling Florence Nightingale: Integrity, Insight, Innovation, expands Nightingale’s history and adds the story of her influence on the author’s personal and professional life.

Her awards include:

• 1997 San Francisco Fringe Festival – “Full-Frontal Nursing” – rated “One of 10 Best to Watch”

• WYSIWYG 2004 Film Fest-Supporting actor, “The Calling,” role of Mama – “Most inspirational moment”

• San Francisco Bay Area Critics Award 2005 – Supporting Actress – “Funny Girl,” role of Mrs. Brice (Fanny’s mom)

• International Medical Media award for the documentary film, “Micropremature Babies: How Low Can You Go?”

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Candy Campbell


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Candace A Campbell
Peripatetic Productions dba Candy Campbell & Co.
+1 202-519-1311
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