India moon landing a Space Force Association International Perspective

Dr. Manjit Pope

Bill Woolf (Col. USAF Ret.) SFA Founder and President

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, August 29, 2023/ — India’s Successful Moon Landing Amplifies Global Space Race and Commercial Opportunities. In a significant leap for India’s space ambitions and the broader global space race, India has achieved a triumphant south pole moon landing, positioning itself as a low-cost provider for an array of daring missions. While the landing was marked by tense anticipation, the Vikram lander of India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission executed a remarkably smooth descent to the lunar surface, celebrating a pivotal achievement.

The successful touchdown establishes India as the first nation to land a probe at the moon’s south pole, an area with potential water, oxygen, and fuel resources for future missions. It also amplifies India’s prominence in spacefaring endeavors. The innovative move to explore one of the moon’s poles showcases India’s prowess, as it becomes only the fourth country in history to execute a controlled landing on the moon, following the United States, China, and the former Soviet Union.

Dr. Manjit Pope, SFA UK Chapter President, emphasized the immense technical feat of landing at the poles, hailing India’s achievement as a groundbreaking stride. “The benefits of combining commercial and defense space efforts for space defense,” Dr. Pope stated, the benefits of combining commercial and defense space efforts for space defense will redefine the global space race and lead advancement in Space Governance factors include:

Synergistic Innovation: Fusing commercial and defense space sectors fosters a dynamic environment where innovation and technological advancements can thrive, propelling both sectors forward.

Economical Advantage: Collaborating with commercial space endeavors enables defense agencies to reduce costs through shared resources, launching capabilities, and satellite platforms.

Rapid Response: Leveraging commercial satellite constellations allows for faster deployment and response to emerging threats, bolstering national security.

Data Fusion Mastery: Integrating commercial data sources with defense systems enhances situational awareness, providing a comprehensive view of space activities and potential adversarial actions.

Resilience Through Redundancy: By incorporating commercial satellite services, military assets can benefit from redundant communication pathways, ensuring operational continuity despite disruptions.

Talent Exchange: A collaborative space environment attracts top talent from various industries, fostering a cross-pollination of expertise that enhances defense and commercial space endeavors.

Dual-Use Technology: Joint efforts promote the development of dual-use technologies that have applications in both defense and commercial contexts, optimizing resource allocation.

Earlier in August, Space Force Association’s founder and president, Bill Woolf (Col. USFA, ret.), moderated a discussion regarding collaboration and space with the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, including Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, to foster mutual security. Cooperation in space has emerged as a critical aspect of this alliance. The International Security Industry Council (IPSIC – Japan) is leading efforts to open discussion and develop leading-edge innovation sharing between the allies of Japan, India, Australia, and the U.S. nations. The Quad is evolving into a platform for mutual security supported by a series of foundational defense agreements at the first in-person Summit in September 2021. Cooperation in space was adopted and reinforced in subsequent summits in 2022 and 2023. To view the webinar, “Commanding Heights, Setting the Stage for International Space Cooperation. ” CLICK HERE. This collaborative pursuit of space exploration and national security promises to set new benchmarks in technological progress and international cooperation and was co-produced by ISIC and The Space Force Association (SFA).

When asked about the moon landing Woolf commented, “Congratulations to India for reaching new heights in space research and exploration. India’s historic successful lunar landing near the moon’s south pole is a testament to human ingenuity and the spirit of exploration that knows no bounds.”

The Space Force Association is hosting its Inaugural SpacePower Conference in December of 2023 in Orlando, Florida, USA. It is open to both individuals and corporations who are allies and involved in space research and defense. To Learn more visit:

About the Space Force Association:

The Space Force Association (SFA) is the only independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves as a professional military association whose sole focus is supporting the United States Space Force, United States Space Command, U.S. national spacepower at large, and our global partners and allies’ efforts in space exploration. Its core functions are to research, inform, and advocate to achieve superior spacepower by shaping a Space Force that provides credible deterrence in competition, dominant capability in combat, and professional services for all partners. In addition, the SFA has an essential function to provide support for the men and women of the U.S. Space Force. Membership is open to both military and civilians. For more information on the SFA, please visit

About the author:

Dr. Manjit Pope, is one of Europe’s leading female rocket scientists & executive leaders in space commercialization, leads the U.K. arm of the Global Space Force Association. Dr. Pope has an impressive leadership, science, technology, and aerospace background. Dr. Manjit Pope established and led as CEO of U.K. Space, developing innovation and growth strategies. She is a Future Systems Technologist leading major national transformational organizations and their programs spanning Aerospace, Space, Security, and defense to establish more vital collaboration across Government, Industry, financial, and academia. She has led the commercialization of transformations to aerospace, space, and defense sectors internationally, making her mark on organizations such as BAESYSTEMS (one of the world’s largest defense organizations), her work at Aerospace Security and Defense (the aerospace trade body of Europe), with The World Trade Organization in developing the international commercialization of space, and India’s Ministry of Defense Center of Process Excellence.

Dr. Manjit Pope
Space Force Association, UK
+44 7718 542833
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